V-talk bot overview

V-talk bot is an Automatic language and speech processing tool based on AI technology

  • Generate audio data from text in real time
  • Automatically convert voice to reading document format
Optimise data processing
Data entry time reduced
Accurate data conversion
Storage costs reduced

Functions of V-talk bot

1Real-time voice-to-text conversion

V-talk bot can convert speech to text and extract data into readable document format:

  • Quickly and accurately convert voice to text
  • Recognise different accents: Northern – Central – Southern Vietnamese
  • Export text data in docx format

Flexible application and scalability

  • Voice control system
  • Audio document transcription system
  • Content extraction solutions for call centers
  • Chatbots
2Smart text-to-speech conversion

Deep Neural Network (DNN) applied V-talk bot can be integrated with the on-device SDK to generate real-time audio data:

  • Convert text-to-speech data in real time
  • Flexibly customise natural speech data in multiple languages (Vietnamese, English, Japanese…) and dialects
  • Export data in audio file format (mp3)

Flexible application and scalability

  • Smart virtual assistant
  • Audiobook/Podcast App
  • Website with voice assistant
  • A system that helps the disabled to interact and communicate

Smart solutions for various fields

Suitable for a variety of manufacturing fields, customised upon business specialisations